Saturday, November 29, 2014

Or Not

"Looking forward to a day of tackmaking, hot cocoa sipping, carol listening, and cookie munching!" -A Young and Foolish Me, This Morning

"[The snow is] never more than a few inches overnight that looks pretty in the morning but has melted almost completely away by the afternoon." -also Young Foolish Morning Me

Little did Morning Me know but the snow did not end up melting away this afternoon.

Here's what actually happened.

I got cozy in the studio, ready to knock out a hunter saddle and start a figure eight bridle, and the snow saw my post. 

"Melt away by the afternoon?" it said. "I'll show her!"

So just as I was ready to work, the power went out. And didn't come back on all day. And just in case I hadn't learned my lesson, the temperature has been dropping all day so we're now at the stage where no new snow is falling but the snow already on the ground is frozen solid. Seattlites don't know what to do when it's 20 degrees outside. 

Making tack (or enjoying hot drinks) is kind of hard in the dark, so just about nothing got done today...

...except these fun snowy pics. So some eye candy!

Thank you to everyone who's already entered the raffle, and I hope you're all staying warm!

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